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General information on pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time of change and adjustment – not just physically, but emotionally too. During this time, a woman's body changes enormously to help the baby grow and develop. Pregnancy can be divided into three main phases, also known as trimesters. 

Below you will find an overview of what you could expect. However, keep in mind that every pregnancy is different.

The first trimester (this is the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, WP) is often a time of uncertainty and adjustment to pregnancy. Following the absence of menstruation, other initial signs of pregnancy often appear: Nausea, breast tenderness, sensitivity to smell or severe fatigue are very common. Although these changes are not pleasant, they are usually normal. Many women still feel insecure or anxious at first.  – even if your child was expected, you may suddenly become concerned about whether you are up to this responsibility. It often takes a little time to get used to the new situation and to want to confide in others. Decide for yourself who you want to tell about your pregnancy at an early stage. 

In the second trimester (from the 13th to the 28th week of pregnancy), most women feel more comfortable. For many, the nausea subsides and they feel more energetic again. Your child's organs will now have been created and they will start growing. The abdomen will now also be visible to others. Soon, the child will be noticeable through their movements in your stomach. Some women feel an intense bond or love for their baby right from the start. For others, it takes a little longer to develop such feelings. There is no right or wrong answer here – the bond with your child may grow as well. The second trimester is also a good time to become more active again and to bring exercise into everyday life. This has many advantages for both mother and child and is considered to be the best way to prepare for birth.

The third trimester (from the 29th week of pregnancy to birth) refers to the final phase of pregnancy. The abdomen will now reach its maximum size. This can lead to some complaints. Many women report back pain, shortness of breath or issues sleeping. The body is slowly preparing itself for childbirth. The uterus will being performing slight practice contractions. Many women feel a mixture of anticipation, nervousness and excitement before giving birth. Try to stay active during this time. For example, plan walks, gentle yoga sessions or other light activities. It is important that you feel comfortable doing these activities. This time is also well suited for a childbirth preparation course with midwives.

You should listen to your body and take good care of yourself throughout your pregnancy. A balanced diet and regular exercise are crucial for a healthy pregnancy. Through regular exchange with health personnel, possible health problems can be detected early

Support offers:

Pregnancy can cause insecurity, anxiety and concern. Sometimes, psychological stress occurs. Get support! Both family and professional offers can help. Inquire about offers in your area. Municipalities sometimes have brochures or information.
