
When a child is born, the situation in the family changes. If there are already one or more children, many things will change for them too. Changes trigger a wide variety of feelings. These can lead to violent reactions from the children already present. Parents should ensure stability and reliability during this time.
It is normal for a child to look forward to the birth of a sibling while feeling insecure at the same time. After all, lots of things are going to change.
Preparing for change
During this time, your child needs attention and good preparation for the situation. This can help to avoid excessively high expectations for their sibling and disappointments after they are born. Contact with other families with newborns and age-appropriate books can provide additional support. Another caregiver who can take care of the older child in the initial period after birth often provides help. Make sure to avoid other changes in the daily routine as well.
Be understanding and pay attention
Nevertheless, it is natural for parents to spend less time and attention on their older child. Your child may feel disadvantaged, be particularly quiet or even become aggressive. They may behave like a baby or become physically uncomfortable from the mental strain. This behaviour can be a sign that they are looking for their place in this "new" family. It is important that your child continues to feel noticed and loved and that they receive the attention they need.
At the same time, the change can boost development. You can promote your child's independence through suitable activities. Involve your older child in looking after the baby if they want to. This lets them gain recognition. Your older child may also become more self-confident as a result of looking after the baby. Talk about the new roles.
Trying out behaviours
Siblings have a great influence on one another. However, the sibling relationship needs to develop first. They will try out various behaviours. Fighting is normal and helps your children be able to solve disputes better in the future. Understanding, sufficient attention and recognition can promote the sibling relationship. Rituals such as reading together in the evening can also help.
Challenges and opportunities
Siblings try to distinguish themselves from one another and develop different roles and strategies. Children sometimes distinguish themselves from one another and therefore grow apart. However, siblings can often be role models and support each other. The parents' behaviour in particular influences their child's development. If they give one child preferential treatment, the other will become jealous. This feeling can be harmful in the long term. Do not compare your children with each other and highlight their similarities instead.
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